
Articles, book chapters, reports, text outputs.


Contributed to the following:

“A Ten-Year Look at Inadmissible Migrants and Paroled Migrants at Ports of Entry”. TRAC.


Contributed to the following:

“TRAC Adds Asylum Reports on Nearly 100 New Immigration Judges”. TRAC.

“CBP’s Inadmissible Data at U.S. Ports of Entry Show Changes in Migration Patterns” TRAC.

“Top County Destinations for Asylum Seekers”. TRAC.

“Mapping IRS Tax Return Filings Reveals Marked Differences in the Distribution of Income and Dependents”. TRAC.

Prison Sentencing Patterns for Drug Offenses in U.S. District Courts TRAC.


I had open heart surgery in May of 2022 so I was out for a bit, lol.


• McAuliffe, Marie, Guy Abel, Linda Oucho, and Adam Sawyer. 2021. “Chapter 7 - Migration as a stepladder of opportunity: What do the global data show?” World Migration Report 2022. Geneva: International Organization for Migration.

• McAuliffe, Marie and Adam Sawyer. 2021. “The roles and limitations of data science in understanding international migration flows and human mobility.” In Research Handbook on International Migration and Digital Technology, Marie McAuliffe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 42-57.


• Rice, Douglas, Saba Siddiki, Seth Frey, Hyoung Keun Kwon and Adam Sawyer. 2020. “Machine coding of policy texts with the Institutional Grammar.” Public Administration. https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12711.

• Sawyer, Adam, Seth Frey. 2020. “Super-teams or fair leagues? Parity policies by powerful regulators don’t prevent capture” arXiv:2009.09990 [physics.soc-ph]. https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09990


No publications. I was a classroom educator at two elementary schools, here and here. Miss those days.


• Sawyer, Adam. 2013. “Home, Land, Security: Pierre Omidyar discovers that property rights are the key to helping the poor.” Philanthropy: Fall: 42-45.


• Joireman, Sandra F., Adam Sawyer, and Juliana Wilhoit. 2012. “A Different Way Home: Resettlement Patterns in Northern Uganda.” Political Geography: 31:197-204.

Photocredit: Me. I took that pic from somewhere in Pennsylvania in 2023.